India-Italy Bilateral Relations

Jun 18, 2024

Current Affair 1:


A brief history:

India and Italy are ancient civilizations with rich cultural heritage. The classical languages, Sanskrit and Latin both belong to the Indo-European language family. People of these two ancient civilizations have known, interacted, and traded with each other for over 2000 years. Italian port cities were important trading posts on the spice route. The Venetian merchant Marco Polo, during his travels to the east, also traveled to India in the 13th century and wrote about his experiences.

Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore visited Italy in May-June 1926, a visit arranged by Carlo Formichi, a Professor of Sanskrit at the University of Rome.

Mahatma Gandhi visited Rome in December 1931 on his way back to India from the Round Table Conference in London.

Leaders of the Indian freedom struggle read the works of the Italian revolutionary Mazzini of early 19th century, who worked for a Democratic Republic of Italy.

Indian troops, serving with the British Indian Army, were deployed in Italy during World War II, fighting against the Germans and Mussolini’s forces. These included the Rajputana Rifles and Gurkha Rifles. The 10th Indian Division took part in the East African Allied campaign against the Italians in Somaliland and Abyssinia.

Political Relations:

Political relations between India and Italy were established in 1947.

Recent activities:

PM Modi and PM Conte co-chaired a Virtual Summit between India and Italy on 06 November 2020 and held extensive talks on bilateral, regional and global issues. 2020-2025 Action Plan was adopted that set an ambitious agenda for an enhanced Partnership between the countries.

PM Modi paid his first official visit to Italy in October 2021 to attend the G20 Summit at the invitation of PM Draghi.

On 2-3 March 2023, PM Meloni paid her first ever state visit to India following her victory in the Italian general elections in September 2022. This was the first high level visit from Italy to India after a gap of 5 years. The visit also came in the backdrop of the 75th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Italy.

Indi-Italy Economic relation:

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