IUCN Green List status

Jul 09, 2024

Current Affair 1:


The Green List is an IUCN initiative which was launched in 2014 during the IUCN World Park Congress, in Sydney. It is global benchmark that assesses whether protected and conserved areas are effectively managed and fairly governed, and are achieving successful conservation outcomes.

The Green List Panel makes decisions on which sites meet the requirements of the IUCN Green List Standard and are included in the IUCN Green List.

IUCN Green List Standard

It provides an international benchmark for quality that motivates improved performance and achievement of conservation objectives. The seventeen criteria collectively describe the efforts needed to fully achieve the global Sustainability Standard and all must be achieved for green-listing.

Sites on the IUCN Green List are certified as being effectively managed and fairly governed, with long-term positive impacts on people and nature.

Every five years, they are evaluated against a set of demanding criteria defined by the IUCN Green List Standard.

So far, India is not a partner in this initiative. There are few protected areas which can be included in Green List but India has not steeped up in this initiative.

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