Biotechnology Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (Bio- RIDE) Scheme

Sep 17, 2024

Current Affair 1:


The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, approved continuation of the two umbrella schemes of Department of Biotechnology (DBT), merged as one scheme-‘Biotechnology Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (Bio- RIDE)’ with a new component namely Biomanufacturing and Biofoundry.


The proposed outlay for the implementation of the unified scheme ‘Bio-RIDE’ is Rs.9197 crore during the 15 finance Commission period from 2021-22 to 2025-26.

Bio-RIDE scheme is designed to foster innovation, promote bio-entrepreneurship, and strengthen India’s position as a global leader in biomanufacturing and biotechnology. It aims to accelerate research, enhance product development, and bridge the gap between academic research and industrial applications.

Second component:

Further, to enable Circular-Bioeconomy in the country a component on Biomanufacturing and Bio foundry is being initiated to propel mitigation of global climate change by incorporating green and friendly environmental solutions in every aspect of life.

Biofoundry is a place where biomanufacturing meets automation. A Biofoundry is a specialized facility or laboratory equipped with automated tools and technologies for the high-throughput design, construction, and testing of biological systems.


This new component of Bio-RIDE aspires

“To nurture the immense potential of ‘Biomanufacturing’ to facilitate development of indigenous innovative solutions to improve healthcare outcomes, enhance agriculture productivity, foster growth of the bioeconomy, etc”.


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