Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2021

Aug 27, 2021

Current Affair 1:
India’s north-eastern states desertifying most rapidly

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Land degradation is defined as decline in productivity of land in terms of biodiversity and economy, resulting from various causes, including climate and human dominance, leading to loss of ecosystem.

Desertification is a type of land degradation in which a relatively dry region becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its water bodies as well as vegetation and wildlife.

The scientists at ISRO compared the data collected between 2003 and 2005 with that gathered in 2018-19.


Six states in north-eastern India were among the top 10 places in the country with the highest rates of desertification between 2003 and 2018, according to a recent report. These are Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Tripura, Nagaland and Meghalaya.

Current Affair 2:
In 5 graphs: How Monsoon 2021 is turning out to be an unusual one

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The southwest monsoon is a key economic factor as close to 60 per cent of Indian farmers are dependent on rainwater for cultivation currently and monsoon-dependent agriculture employs more than 50 per cent of the Indian workforce. But the monsoon of 2021 has been unusual in many ways.

The monsoon has been reporting a deficit from the normal average.

East and Northeast India have been reporting lower-than-average rainfall since the week obeginning July 7, 2021.

The South Peninsula is the only region that has been reporting a surplus consistently. At the end of June, it had a surplus of 4 per cent; this increased to 22 per cent in July and currently stands at three per cent.

Northwest India is an unusual case of the monsoon. It became largely deficit till August 25, from largely surplus in the beginning of the season.

Like Northwest India, the Central India region also had a surplus monsoon to begin with, but currently has a deficit of 13 per cent.

Current Affair 3:
India’s Financial Inclusion Index


On August 17, 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) launched a Financial Inclusion Index (FI-Index) to track the process of ensuring access to financial services, timely and adequate credit for vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low-income groups at an affordable cost.

The index captures information on various aspects of financial inclusion in a single value ranging between 0 and 100, where 0 represents complete financial exclusion and 100 indicates full financial inclusion.

In terms of methodology, the FI-Index comprises of three broad parameters (weights indicated in brackets):

  • Access (35%)
  • Usage (45%)
  • Quality (20%)

Access to financial institutions carries a weightage of 35 per cent, Usage 45 per and Quality 20 per cent. Each of these consists of various dimensions, which are computed based on a number of indicators.

The Index is responsive to ease of access, availability and usage of services, and quality of services, comprising in all 97 indicators. A unique feature of the Index is the quality parameter which captures the quality aspect of financial inclusion as reflected by financial literacy, consumer protection, and inequalities and deficiencies in services.

On 07 April 2021, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) announced that it has constructed a composite Financial Inclusion Index (FI-Index) based on multiple parameters to reflect the broadening and deepening of financial inclusion in the country. The FI Index will be published annually in July for the financial year ending previous March. The annual FI-Index for the period ending March 2021 is 53.9 as against 43.4 for the period ending March 2017.

Current Affair 4:
New Guidelines for Poultry Farmers

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Small and marginal poultry farmers in India will now have to take measures similar to their bigger counterparts to prevent environmental pollution, according to new guidelines issued recently.

  1. The new guidelines state that for establishing and operating a medium-sized poultry farm of 25,000-100,000 birds, a farmer will have to obtain a certificate of Consent to Establishment or Consent to Operate.
  2. This will have to be taken from the State Pollution Control Board or Committee under the Water Act, 1974 and the Air Act, 1981. Permission will be valid for 15 years.
  3. Gaseous emissions and waste are a major problem in poultry farming. The faeces of poultry birds emit gaseous ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and methane, all of which produce odours.
  4. The guidelines state that the poultry farm should have a ventilated room to reduce the gaseous pollution from the birds. Also, care should be taken so that poultry faeces do not mix with running water or any other pesticide.
  5. Emphasis has also been given to daily removal of birds that die, through burial, without harming the environment. Burial should be done three metres above the ground water level.
  6. The rules also ask farmers to make proper space between the birds at the farm and protect them from rodents and flies. Mixing and preparing poultry feed should be done in a gated chamber so that dust does not fly during the process.
  7. Farmers of small- and medium-sized poultry farms will have to arrange for manure. After use, the water from a poultry farm must be collected in a tank. The guidelines suggest using it in horticulture.
  8. A farm should be set up 500 metres away from a residential area, 100 metres from rivers, lakes, canals and drinking water sources, 100 metres from national highways and 10-15 metres from village footpaths and rural roads.

The Animal Husbandry Department will be responsible for implementing the guidelines at the state and district level.

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