Goaltide Daily Current Afffairs 2023

Mar 17, 2023

Current Affair 1:
Defense Acquisition Council


The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) is the highest decision-making body for defence procurement in India. It is responsible for approving capital acquisition proposals of the armed forces.

Composition: The DAC is chaired by the Defence Minister and includes the Defence Secretary, the Secretary for Defence Production, the Secretary for Defence Research and Development, the Chief of Defence Staff, and the three service chiefs.


  1. Approve capital acquisition proposals and purchases of the armed forces.
  2. Formulate policies and guidelines for defence equipment and weapons procurement.
  3. Review and oversee the implementation of defence procurement programmes.
  4. Streamline procurement procedures to ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency.

Recent decisions made by the Defense Acquisition Council

  • Approved the purchase of 83 Tejas fighter jets for the Indian Air Force.
  • Cleared the acquisition of six P-8I patrol aircraft for the Indian Navy.
  • Approved the procurement of 118 Arjun Mk-1A tanks for the Indian Army.
  • Approved the purchase of 156 BMP-2/2K infantry combat vehicles for the Indian Army.

Challenges faced by the Defense Acquisition Council

  • Lengthy procurement process, leading to delays in acquiring critical equipment.
  • Complex procurement rules, which can be difficult to navigate for both domestic and foreign vendors.
  • Limited budgetary allocations, which can constrain procurement decisions and affect the quality of equipment acquired.
  • Difficulty in integrating and maintaining equipment from different countries due to varying standards and compatibility issues.

Recent reforms introduced by the Defense Acquisition Council

  • Introduced the Strategic Partnership (SP) model to encourage domestic defense manufacturing and reduce reliance on imports.
  • Implemented the Buy (Indian-IDDM) category to prioritize indigenous defense production and promote the development of local defense industries.
  • Simplified procurement procedures through the introduction of the Defense Procurement Procedure (DPP) 2020, which aims to increase efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the procurement process.
  • Increased the maximum permissible foreign direct investment (FDI) in the defense sector from 49% to 74%, to attract more foreign investment and promote technology transfer.

Future plans of the Defense Acquisition Council

  • Expanding the scope of the SP model to cover more areas of defense manufacturing, such as helicopters, submarines, and fighter jets.
  • Increasing collaboration with the private sector to promote innovation, research and development, and technology transfer in the defense sector.
  • Enhancing defense exports to generate revenue and promote India as a global defense exporter, through initiatives such as the export of Akash missile systems to friendly countries.
  • Strengthening defense ties with partner countries through defense cooperation agreements, joint exercises, and technology partnerships.

Current Affair 2:
Brent Crude Oil


Brent crude oil is a type of oil that is used as a benchmark for oil prices worldwide. It is named after the Brent oilfield in the North Sea, which produces this type of oil. Brent crude oil is an important commodity in the global economy and is used for a wide range of purposes.

What is Brent crude oil?

  • Brent crude oil is a light, sweet crude oil that is produced in the North Sea. It is a high-quality oil that is low in sulfur and easy to refine. Because of its high quality, it is in high demand by refiners, who use it to produce gasoline, diesel fuel, and other petroleum products.

Uses of Brent crude oil

Brent crude oil is used for a wide range of purposes, including:

  • Refining into gasoline, diesel fuel, and other petroleum products
  • Heating homes and businesses
  • Powering industrial machinery and vehicles
  • Manufacturing chemicals and other products
  • Price of Brent crude oil
  • The price of Brent crude oil is determined by supply and demand factors in the global oil market. Because it is a benchmark oil, the price of Brent crude oil is often used as an indicator of the health of the global economy. When the price of Brent crude oil is high, it can lead to inflation and higher prices for consumers.

Impact on India

India is a major importer of crude oil, including Brent crude oil. As such, changes in the price of Brent crude oil can have a significant impact on the Indian economy. Higher oil prices can lead to inflation, which can reduce consumer spending and slow down economic growth. On the other hand, lower oil prices can benefit the Indian economy by reducing the cost of importing oil.


Recent trends in the price of Brent crude oil

  • As of March 2023, the price of Brent crude oil is around $75 per barrel, a significant increase from the lows of 2020 but still lower than the pre-pandemic levels of 2019.
  • The price of Brent crude oil has been affected by various factors such as global demand, geopolitical tensions, supply disruptions, and the policies of major oil-producing countries.
  • In 2022, the price of Brent crude oil surged to a seven-year high of $86 per barrel due to a combination of supply disruptions, higher demand, and geopolitical tensions.
  • The outlook for the price of Brent crude oil in the near future remains uncertain, with analysts predicting a range of possible scenarios based on different assumptions about the global economy, oil supply, and geopolitical risks.

Factors influencing the price of Brent crude oil

  • Global demand for oil, which is influenced by factors such as economic growth, transportation trends, and consumer behavior.
  • Supply disruptions due to natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, and technical problems in oil-producing countries.
  • Policies of major oil-producing countries such as OPEC and Russia, which can influence oil production levels and prices through coordinated actions.
  • Competition from alternative sources of energy such as renewables, which can reduce the demand for oil and put downward pressure on prices.

Impact of Brent crude oil prices on the Indian economy

  • India is a major importer of crude oil, with more than 80% of its oil needs being met through imports.
  • The price of Brent crude oil can have a significant impact on the Indian economy, as it affects the cost of transportation, electricity, and various goods and services.
  • Higher oil prices can lead to inflation, fiscal deficits, and a weaker currency, which can adversely affect the Indian economy.
  • The Indian government has implemented various measures to mitigate the impact of high oil prices, such as reducing fuel taxes and promoting domestic oil production.


Current Affair 3:
IAEA and Uranium Inspections


Background and role of IAEA in uranium inspections

  • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organization responsible for promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy and preventing its use for military purposes.
  • One of the key roles of the IAEA is to monitor and verify compliance with nuclear safeguards agreements, which are designed to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • The IAEA conducts regular inspections of nuclear facilities to ensure that they are being used for peaceful purposes and to detect any unauthorized activities related to the production of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
  • Uranium inspections are a critical part of the IAEA's mandate, as uranium is a key component of nuclear fuel and can also be used to produce nuclear weapons.

Recent developments in uranium inspections

  • In recent years, there have been concerns about the proliferation of nuclear weapons in various countries, including Iran and North Korea.
  • The IAEA has been conducting regular inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a multilateral agreement aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
  • However, in 2018, the United States withdrew from the JCPOA and reimposed sanctions on Iran, which led to Iran reducing its compliance with the agreement and increasing its uranium enrichment activities.
  • The IAEA has continued to monitor Iran's nuclear activities and has expressed concerns about its lack of cooperation and transparency with regards to uranium enrichment.

Future prospects for uranium inspections and non-proliferation efforts

  • The IAEA will continue to play a critical role in promoting nuclear non-proliferation and verifying compliance with nuclear safeguards agreements.
  • The success of uranium inspections and non-proliferation efforts will depend on a range of factors, including political will, international cooperation, and technological advances in nuclear detection and monitoring.
  • There is a need for greater transparency and cooperation among countries to ensure the effectiveness of uranium inspections and prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • The IAEA will continue to face challenges and limitations in carrying out its mandate, and it is important for the international community to support its efforts to promote nuclear non-proliferation and ensure global security.

Current Affair 4:
Zojila Pass in Ladakh and JK






Background and importance of Zojila Pass

  • Zojila Pass is a high mountain pass located in the Himalayas, connecting the Kashmir Valley with Ladakh.
  • It is an important strategic location due to its proximity to the Line of Control (LoC) between India and Pakistan, and its significance as a transportation route for military and civilian purposes.
  • The pass is also prone to heavy snowfall and avalanches during winter months, making it difficult to cross.

Recent developments in infrastructure development

  • In recent years, the Indian government has undertaken several infrastructure development projects in the region, including the construction of a tunnel under Zojila Pass.
  • The Zojila Tunnel project is expected to provide all-weather connectivity to Ladakh and reduce the travel time between Srinagar and Leh by several hours.
  • The project has faced several challenges, including the difficult terrain and harsh weather conditions, as well as issues related to funding and land acquisition.
  • Despite these challenges, the Indian government is committed to completing the project in a timely and efficient manner.

Impact on the region and local communities

  • The infrastructure development projects in the region are expected to have a significant impact on the local communities, particularly in terms of improving access to healthcare, education, and other essential services.
  • However, there are also concerns about the potential environmental and social impacts of these projects, particularly in terms of displacement of local communities and damage to the fragile ecosystem of the region.
  • The Indian government has pledged to address these concerns and ensure that the infrastructure development projects are carried out in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Future prospects for the region

  • The completion of the Zojila Tunnel project is expected to have a transformative impact on the region, improving connectivity and facilitating economic development.
  • The project is also expected to boost tourism in the region, which has been a major source of revenue for the local communities.
  • However, there are also challenges ahead, including the need to balance economic development with environmental conservation and the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of the region.
  • The Indian government will need to work closely with the local communities and other stakeholders to ensure that the infrastructure development projects are carried out in a responsible and sustainable manner.

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