Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2023

Jul 31, 2023

Current Affair 1:
The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023


It was passed by Parliament. Go through this document or read from PRS Legislature website to get more details if you want.

Key Features

  1. Land under the purview of the Act

The Bill provides that two types of land will be under the purview of the Act: (i) land declared/notified as a forest under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 or under any other law, or (ii) land not covered in the first category but notified as a forest on or after October 25, 1980 in a government record.  Further, the Act will not apply to land changed from forest use to non-forest use on or before December 12, 1996 by any authority authorised by a state/UT.

  1. Exempted categories of land: 

The Bill exempts certain types of land from the provisions of the Act, such as forest land along a rail line or a public road maintained by the government providing access to a habitation, or to a rail, and roadside amenities up to a maximum size of 0.10 hectare


Forest land that will also be exempted includes: (i) land situated within 100 km from international borders, Line of Control, or Line of Actual Control, for construction of a strategic linear project of national importance and concerning national security, (ii) land up to 10 hectares, for constructing security-related infrastructure, or (iii) land proposed to be used for constructing defence related projects, camps for paramilitary forces, or public utility projects up to five hectares in a left-wing extremism affected area.  These exemptions will be subject to the terms and conditions specified by the central government by guidelines.


  1. Assignment/leasing of forest land:  Under the Act (before Amendment), a state government requires prior approval of the central government to assign forest land to any entity not owned or controlled by government.   In the Bill (current one), this condition is extended to all entities, including those owned and controlled by government.  It also requires that prior approval be subject to terms and conditions prescribed by the central government.
  2. Permitted activities in forest land


The Bill adds more activities to this list such as: (i) zoos and safaris under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 owned by the government or any authority, in forest areas other than protected areas, (ii) ecotourism facilities, (iii) silvicultural operations (enhancing forest growth), and (iv) any other purpose specified by the central government.  Further, the central government may specify terms and conditions to exclude any survey (such as exploration activity, seismic survey) from being classified as non-forest purpose.


  1. Power to issue directions:  The Bill adds that the central government may issue directions for the implementation of the Act to any authority/organisation under or recognised by the centre, state, or union territory (UT).

After reading this, you can understand all articles related to Forest Bill.

Current Affair 2:
The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, 2023


It was passed recently.

The Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, 2023 was introduced in Rajya Sabha on July 20, 2023.   The Bill amends the Cinematograph Act, 1952. 


  1. Additional certificate categories:  The Bill adds certain additional certificate categories based on age. Under the Act (before amendment), film may be certified for exhibition: (i) without restriction (‘U’), (ii) without restriction, but subject to guidance of parents or guardians for children below 12 years of age (‘UA’), (iii) only to adults (‘A’), or (iv) only to members of any profession or class of persons (‘S’).  
  2. The Bill substitutes the UA category with the following three categories to also indicate age-appropriateness: (i) UA 7+, (ii) UA 13+, or (iii) UA 16+.  The age endorsement within the UA category by the Board will inform guidance of parents or guardians, and will not be enforceable by any other persons other than parents or guardians.
  3. Separate certificate for television/other media:  Films with an ‘A’ or ‘S’ certificate will require a separate certificate for exhibition on television, or any other media prescribed by the central government.  The Board may direct the applicant to carry appropriate deletions or modifications for the separate certificate.
  4. Unauthorised recording and exhibition to be punishable:  The Bill prohibits carrying out or abetting: (i) the unauthorised recording and (ii) unauthorised exhibition of films.  Attempting an unauthorised recording will also be an offence.  The above offences will be punishable with: (i) imprisonment between three months and three years, and (ii) a fine between three lakh rupees and 5% of the audited gross production cost.
  5. Certificates to be perpetually valid:  Under the Act, the certificate issued by the Board is valid for 10 years.  The Bill provides that the certificates will be perpetually (always) valid.
  6. Revisional powers of the central government:  The Act empowers the central government to examine and make orders in relation to films that have been certified or are pending certification.  The Board is required to dispose matters in conformance to the order.  The Bill removes this power of the central government.


Current Affair 3:
The Biological Diversity (Amendment) Bill, 2021


It was passed recently.

Highlights of the Bill

  1. The Bill amends the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 to simplify compliance requirements for domestic companies.
  2. Users of codified traditional knowledge and AYUSH practitioners will be exempted from sharing benefits with local communities.
  3. The Bill removes research and bio-survey activities from the purview of benefit sharing requirements.
  4. Benefit sharing will be based on terms agreed between the user and the local management committee represented by the National Authority.
  5. The Bill decriminalises all offences under the Act.

Key Issues and Analysis

  1. The term codified traditional knowledge has not been defined.  A broad interpretation might exempt all local traditional knowledge from benefit sharing requirements.
  2. The Bill removes the direct role of local communities in determining benefit sharing provisions.
  3. The Bill decriminalises offences under the Act and instead provides for a wide range of penalties.   Further, the Bill empowers government officials to hold inquiries and determine penalties.  It may be questioned whether it is appropriate to confer such discretion to government officials.


Current Affair 4:
Multistate Cooperative Societies Amendment Bill 2022


It was recently passed.

The Bill amends the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002.

Multi-state co-operative societies as the name suggests, operate in more than one state in various sectors such as agriculture, textile, poultry, dairy, etc. Many important enterprises such as Amul, KRIBHCO, IFFCO are success stories that clearly establish that co-operatives cannot only provide largescale employment to lakhs of people but can also be industry leaders in their own domain.

The incorporation, regulation, and winding up of state co-operative societies is taken care of by the States while it is the Parliament which legislates on matters related to incorporation, regulation, and winding up of multi-state co-operatives.

The Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 provides for the formation and functioning of multi-state co-operatives. In 2011, the Constitution was amended and Part IXB was added to specify guidelines for running co-operative societies.

Highlights of the Bill

  1. The Bill amends the Multi-State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002.  It establishes the Co-operative Election Authority to conduct and supervise elections to the boards of multi-state co-operative societies.
  2. A multi-state co-operative society will require prior permission of government authorities before the redemption of their shareholding.
  3. A Co-operative Rehabilitation, Reconstruction and Development Fund will be established for the revival of sick multi-state co-operative societies.  The Fund will be financed through contributions by profitable multi-state co-operative societies.
  4. The Bill allows state co-operative societies to merge into an existing multi-state co-operative society, subject to the respective state laws.

Key Issues and Analysis

  1. Sick multi-state co-operative societies will be revived by a Fund that will be financed through contributions by profitable multi-state co-operative societies.  This effectively imposes a cost on well-functioning societies.
  2. Giving the government the power to restrict redemption of its shareholding in multi-state co-operative societies may go against the co-operative principles of autonomy and independence.

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