Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2023

Oct 13, 2023

Current Affair 1:
How Central Vigilance Commission works?


First learn ‘About CVC’:

About Central Vigilance Commission

The Central Vigilance Commission was initially set up through Resolution dated 11th February 1964 of Government of India, on the recommendations of Committee on Prevention of Corruption formed under the Chairmanship of Shri K. Santhanam

Why it was set up?

Central Vigilance Commission was set up with the aim to exercise superintendence over vigilance administration of the organisations in respect of which the executive powers of Government of India extended.  Central Vigilance Commission has been mandated to advise the authorities concerned in respect of an act of improper conduct or corrupt practices, along with review and modification of procedures and guidelines, which may afford scope for corrupt (practices). 

In September 1997, the Central Government constituted an Independent Review Committee which suggested that statutory status should be given to the Central Vigilance Commission. 


In order to comply with the directions, the Ordinances were promulgated. CVC Bill was passed by both Houses of Parliament in 2003 and received the assent of the President on 11.09.2003. The CVC Act of 2003 came into effect from that date.

Central Vigilance Commission consists of a Central Vigilance Commissioner as Chairperson and not more than two Vigilance Commissioners as Members

How it works?

One of the reasons behind the establishment of CVC is the lack of common standards in deciding cases involving the absence of probity and integrity in administration. The Commission has only specified jurisdiction and has no jurisdiction over private individuals and State Governments.

CVC as an organization receives complaints over multiple modes/channels.

  1. From the organization where the employee works through its vigilance division.
  2. Under “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer” Resolution (whistle-blower).
  3. Under general complaints

The Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) leads the Vigilance Division within the organization and serves as an advisor to the chief executive regarding all vigilance-related issues.

Once the commission receives the complaint, it may take any of the following actions.

  1. Get an investigation done by any investigating agency or respective CVO and call for an investigation report.
  2. Send the complaint for factual report (FR) or discreet verification and obtain the report.
  3. Send the complaint to the respective CVO for necessary action (NA)
  4. File or close the complaint, without any further action.

Further, unless specifically filed under whistle-blower protection, the Commission does not entertain anonymous or pseudonymous complaints. Any complaint without verifiable facts, factual details and vague allegations will not be acted upon.

Gradual decline in the vigilance cases received by commission in recent years:

Only a miniscule percentage of general complaints are sent for further investigations:

Complaints under PIDPI on a rise

For handling complaints from whistle-blowers, the Government of India designated the Central Vigilance Commission as a nodal agency, under the “Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers” Resolution (PIDPI) in 2004. Further, CVC is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the identity of the complainant.

The data on the number of complaints under PIDPI resolution show that there is a rise in the number of complaints over the past two decades.

Once the complaint is acted upon by the commission, and based on its recommendations, authorities with the necessary authority in different organizations authorize legal actions against public servants and enforce penalties on them. Three different kinds of punishments are usually awarded – major penalty, minor penalty, and administrative action. Major penalties include dismissal, removal, and compulsory retirement.

Current Affair 2:
“Singing” Plasma Waves Around Mercury



Mercury recently joined the list of planets that experience these odd chorus waves. The discovery was detected by experts from Japan and France.

The chorus waves are triggered by energetic electrons that were trapped in the magnetosphere of a planet. These particles ripple along the magnetic field lines and generate plasma waves. When these waves are recorded, they can be converted into sounds that tinkle and chime, depending on the motion of the electrons.

Understanding Mercury's Magnetosphere:

The discovery was a surprise to scientists since Mercury does not have the same thick atmosphere and permanent radiation belt as the other planets. Mercury has a very thin atmosphere composed of potassium, helium, hydrogen, sodium, and oxygen. This is specifically known as an exosphere since these gases come from solar wind and meteoroids that blast atoms off the surface.

Compared to Earth, Mercury also has a much-weaker magnetic field, which was discovered only in the 1970s by the Mariner 10 expedition.

The chorus waves in Mercury were found to be unusual because they were discovered in only a small chunk of the planet's magnetosphere, also known as the dawn sector. The researchers suggest that this may be due to the waves that were either promoted in this region, or being suppressed elsewhere.

Current Affair 3:
Eco-mark scheme Under LiFE Initiative



To take ahead the 'LiFE' - 'Lifestyle for Environment' movement announced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in 2021, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has introduced two pioneering initiatives that indicate the country's pro-active approach to climate change, sustainability, and promotion eco-conscious practices.

These initiatives, the Green Credit Program (GCP) and the Ecomark Scheme, seek to encourage environmentally friendly practices rooted in tradition and conservation; reflecting the ideas of LiFE concept.

The philosophy behind LiFE, (Lifestyle for Environment) is nudging individual choices and behavior towards sustainability. In line with this approach, the Ministry has recast its Ecomark notification so that consumers are able to make choices among products and thereby opt for those products that are eco-friendly in their design, process etc.

The Ecomark Scheme, notified on 13th October 2023, replaces the previous Notification.

  1. It provides accreditation and labelling for household and consumer products that meet specific environmental criteria while maintaining quality standards as per Indian norms.
  2. Products accredited under the Ecomark Scheme will adhere to specific environmental criteria, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
  3. It will build consumer awareness of environmental issues and encourage eco-conscious choices.
  4. It will also motivate manufacturers to shift towards environmentally friendly production.
  5. The scheme seeks to ensure accurate labelling and prevent misleading information about products.

The Central Pollution Control Board administers the Ecomark Scheme in partnership with Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is the national body for standards and certification.

Current Affair 4:
National Water Awards



Read Introduction:

Since 5th National Award is just launched, it will take time to results. You read some basic details from 4th National Awards:

Wait for 5th National Water Awards announcement.


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