Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2023

Oct 19, 2023

Current Affair 1:
What is What is RISC-V technology?


­­RISC-V (“risk-five”) is an instruction set architecture (ISA) rooted in reduced instruction set computer (RISC) principles. RISC-V is unique, even revolutionary, because it is a common, free, open-source ISA to which software can be ported, hardware can be developed, and processors can be built to support it.


Since 1981, previous generations of RISC architecture (I-IV) have been developed at the University of California, Berkeley. Some of the most common yet proprietary ISAs are the x86, ARMv8 and AMD64.

Whereas the most commonly used ISAs (until now) are proprietary and require a license and fees for their use, RISC-V has been made available under an open-source license.

Current Affair 2:
“Leniency plus” programme



The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has released a draft of revised lesser penalty regulations that provides for introduction of a “leniency plus” programme.

In a bid to aid the Competition Commission of India’s (“CCI”) cartel enforcement efforts, the Competition (Amendment) Act 2023 (“Amendment”) has introduced the ‘leniency plus’ tool in India.

Leniency means discounts on fines for disclosing an anticompetitive cartel. Leniency plus means firms coming forward to reveal one cartel can get additional discounts if they reveal another undisclosed cartel. Leniency plus thus can waive the entire penalty in the second cartel and grant a discount for the first cartel, which is over and above the discount the applicant may get under the existing leniency regime. Consider it a bonus discount for disclosing a combo pack of cartels.

This “leniency plus” regime is already recognised in jurisdictions like the UK, US, Singapore, and Brazil.

With cartels being notoriously difficult to uncover and prosecute and an apparent decrease in the number of leniency applications globally, the leniency plus tool seems just the right approach. Even the Competition Law Review Committee, formed to overhaul the Indian competition regime, described leniency plus in its July 2019 report as a “proactive antitrust enforcement strategy”.

Current Affair 3:
What is DANGER (Deleterious and ANticipatable Guides Evaluated by RNA-sequencing)?



What are the challenges with CRISPR?

CRISPR-Cas9 is a well-known gene editing technology. It has a reputation for being more accurate, faster, and less expensive than other similar technologies. However, gene editing using CRISPR technology presents some challenges.

  1. The first challenge is that the phenotypic, or observable, effects caused by unexpected CRISPR dynamics are not quantitatively monitored.
  2. A second challenge is that the CRISPR technology generally depends on basic genomic data, including the reference genome. The reference genome is like a template that provides researchers with general information on the genome. Unexpected sequence editing with mismatches can occur.

The team's DANGER analysis software overcomes these challenges. The team used gene-edited samples of human cells and zebrafish brains to conduct their risk-averse on- and off-target assessment in RNA-sequencing data.

Current Affair 4:
International Competition Network (ICN)



The concept for the ICN originated out of recommendations made by the International Competition Policy Advisory Committee (ICPAC), a group formed in 1997.

On October 25, 2001, top officials from 14 jurisdictions – Australia, Canada, European Union, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, and Zambia – launched the ICN at a meeting in New York City.

The ICN's mission is to advocate the adoption of superior standards and procedures in competition policy around the world, formulate proposals for procedural and substantive convergence, and seek to facilitate effective international cooperation to the benefit of member agencies, consumers and economies worldwide.

Not more than this is required.

Current Affair 5:
Gaganyaan TV-D1 Mission


A basic information:

Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1) was a high-altitude abort test performed as part of the Gaganyaan program

Upcoming tests include the TV-D2 mission, the G-X unmanned orbital demonstration flight, an Integrated Air-Drop Test (IADT) and a Pad Abort Test.

TV-D2 will be the second of four tests planned for demonstrating in-flight abort capability under different initial conditions with respect to the launch vehicle. Unlike TV-D1, TV-D2 will also have onboard a control system for re-orienting the attitude of the crew module once it separates.






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