Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2024

Jan 25, 2024

Current Affair 1:
IEA’s Electricity 2024 Report


Few important points with respect to India. Report is big but sab important ni h..

Current Affair 2:
Kumki Elephants



The Odisha government urgently requests the deployment of Kumki elephants from Tamil Nadu to strategically manage and guide wild elephants.

About Kumki Elephants:

Kumki is a term used in India for trained captive Asian elephants used in operations to trap wild elephants, sometimes to rescue or to provide medical treatment to an injured or trapped wild elephant.

Elephant calves that are separated from the herd in the forest and captured wild elephants are tamed and trained to become Kumki elephants. The training period is of three years.

Kumki are used for capturing, calming and herding wild elephants or to lead wild elephants away in conflict situations.

Current Affair 3:
Madhika Language



Madhika Language:

  1. The language has no script of its own.
  2. With just the last two speakers belonging to the Chakaliya community, the language will be lost to the world.
  3. Influences: Blend of Telugu, Tulu, Kannada, and Malayalam. The language shows greater influence of Havyaka Kannada (an old form of Kannada).
  4. Madhika, like many other native languages, is pushed into oblivion by Malayalam (dominating language).
  5. Also, the social stigma associated with the Chakaliya community led to the neglect of the language.

Chakaliya Community

  1. Chakaliya community in northern Malabar region, migrated from the hilly regions of Karnataka.
  2. The community was initially recognised as a Scheduled Tribe, but was later included in the Scheduled caste category in Kerala.

Current Affair 4:
Greenwashing No More: ASCI



The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has issued its guidelines to prevent false pro-environment claims, also known as greenwashing, that has been seen across sectors.

What is greenwashing?

Greenwashing refers to unsubstantiated, false, deceptive, or misleading environmental claims about products, services, processes, brands or operations as a whole. It is often seen that products make such broad claims although only a very small component or part of the product is green.

Greenwashing is a significant concern as it deceives consumers and goes against the principles outlined in Chapter I of the ASCI code on misleading advertisements.

Effective February 15, 2024, these guidelines aim to ensure that environmental claims made by advertisers are reliable, verifiable, and transparent. Consumers are increasingly demanding products and services which minimise harm to, or have a positive effect on, the environment. As a result of a proliferation of products, services and businesses which claim to meet that demand it is imperative for such claims to be reliable and verifiable.

About ASCI:


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