Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2024

Mar 18, 2024

Current Affair 1:
Criminal Case Management System


In a major fillip to India’s fight against terrorism and organised crime, Union Home Minister Amit Shah virtually inaugurated a unique digital Criminal Case Management System (CCMS), designed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

What is the Criminal Case Management System (CCMS)?

The CCMS is an innovative digital platform that streamlines and enhances the management of criminal cases, particularly those related to terrorism and organised crime.

1. The CCMS software aims to standardize investigations and compile terror-related data across India.

2. CCMS serves as a user-friendly and customizable browser-based software designed to facilitate coordination among law enforcement agencies, improve the efficiency of investigations, and enhance justice delivery.

3. This system enables the integration, organisation, and digitalization of data generated during investigations, providing a comprehensive tool for investigators, prosecutors, and other stakeholders involved in the criminal justice process.

4. CCMS fosters stronger cooperation between central and state agencies, facilitating seamless information sharing.

About National Investigation Agency:

You will read introduction:


It falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The NIA (Amendment) Act 2019 allows the NIA to investigate crimes committed outside India, following international treaties and laws.

Few important questions regarding NIA:



Current Affair 2:
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)



Read entire portion:

The economic framework broadly rests on four pillars: Trade, Supply chain resilience, Clean Energy, Decarbonization, and Infrastructure Taxes and anti-corruption measures

The IPEF is not a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), but it allows members to negotiate the parts they want to.

Current Affair 3:
National Mission for Edible Oils - Oil Palm (NMEO-OP):



Prime Minister recently inaugurated the first Oil Palm Processing Mill under Mission Palm Oil in Arunachal Pradesh.

Considering the growing domestic demand for edible oils, the staggering deficiency, and the cost to the exchequer on account of imports, the urgency of scaling up the oil palm area is of National interest and does not need any over emphasis. Therefore, to fulfil the National interest, National Mission on Edible Oils - Oil Palm (NMEO-OP) is approved with the aim to enhance the edible oilseeds production and oils availability in the country by harnessing Oil Palm area expansion, increasing CPO production and to reduce import burden on edible oils. It will focus on increasing edible oil production from Oil Palm.

Target of National Mission on Edible Oils (NMEO-OP)

Around 9 MT of palm oil is imported every year to the tune of Rs. 40,000 crore which is around 56 % of the total imports of edible oil. At present against a total potential area of around 28 lakh hectares, only 3.70 lakh hectares is under oil palm cultivation.

The target fixed for Oil palm area expansion by 2025-26 under NMEO-Oil palm is given below:

  1. To increase area of oil palm to 10 lakh hectares from 3.5 lakh ha during 2019-20 by 2025-26 (additional 6.50 lakh ha) of which it is targeted 3.22 lakh hectares for general state and 3.28 lakh ha in North Eastern states with targeted FFBs production of 66.00 lakh tonnes.
  2. To increase in Crude Palm Oil production from 0.27 lakh tonnes during 2019-20 to 11.20 lakh tonnes by 2025-26.
  3. Increase consumer awareness to maintain consumption level of 19.00 kg/person/annum till 2025-26.

Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Kerala are major Oil palm growing States and account 98% of total production.

Current Affair 4:
Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent (SIMA)



Google DeepMind unveiled SIMA, an AI agent training to learn gaming skills so it plays more like a human instead of an overpowered AI that does its own thing. SIMA, which stands for Scalable, Instructable, Multiworld Agent, is currently only in research.

SIMA will eventually learn how to play any video game, even games with no linear path to end the game and open-world games. Though it’s not intended to replace existing game AI, think of it more as another player that meshes well with your party. It mixes natural language instruction with understanding 3D worlds and image recognition.


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