Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE) by MoSPI

Dec 25, 2024

Current Affair 1:


The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) has released the results of Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE) for 2023-24 for the reference period October, 2023 – September, 2024 referred to as ASUSE 2023-24 in this press note.

Key highlights from the ASUSE 2023-24 results:

Key highlights from the ASUSE 2023-24 results:

  1. The ASUSE 2023-24 results highlight significant growth in establishments, employment, and productivity in the unincorporated non-agricultural sector, demonstrating the sector's recovery from pandemic-related challenges and its resurgence with renewed momentum.
  2. The total number of establishments in the sector increased substantially from 6.50 crore in 2022-23 to 7.34 crore in 2023-24, representing a healthy12.84% growth.
  3. During the same period, the Gross Value Added (GVA) rose by16.52% driven by a 26.17% growth in other services sector.
  4. The sector employed more than 12 crore workers between October 2023 and September 2024, marking an increase of more than one crore workers from 2022-23 and reflecting robust labour market growth.
  5. Among the broad activities, "Other Services" sector showed the highest annual growth of 17.86% followed by 10.03% by manufacturing sector.
  6. The percentage of female-owned proprietary establishments has increased from 22.9% in 2022-23 to 26.2% in ASUSE 2023-24. This trend indicates a positive shift in the participation of women in business ownership, highlighting an increase in the female entrepreneurship over the given period.
  7. The average emolument per hired worker also increased by 13% in 2023-24 compared to the previous year, 2022-23, signaling improvements in wage levels.

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