India Inaugurates Asia’s Largest Cherenkov Telescope in Ladakh
Current Affair 1:
India has inaugurated Asia’s largest Cherenkov Telescope, known as the Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment Telescope (MACE), in Hanle, Ladakh. This is a significant development in India's astronomical capabilities, particularly in the field of gamma-ray astronomy.
A Cherenkov Telescope is a specialized type of astronomical instrument designed to detect Cherenkov radiation, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation produced when charged particles (such as electrons) travel faster than the speed of light in a particular medium (like the Earth's atmosphere). |
Key Highlights of the MACE Telescope:
- Location:
The MACE telescope is installed at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO) in Hanle, Ladakh, one of the highest altitude observatories in the world, located at an elevation of about 4,300 meters (14,764 feet).
The high altitude of Hanle, coupled with its dry atmosphere, provides ideal conditions for astronomical observations, particularly for studying cosmic rays and gamma rays.
- Size and Significance:
With a 21-meter diameter, MACE is the largest Cherenkov telescope in Asia and the second largest in the world.
It marks a major milestone for India's participation in high-energy gamma-ray astronomy and enhances India’s capability to study the universe through gamma rays, a highly energetic form of radiation.
- Research and Objectives:
The MACE telescope is expected to contribute to the study of high-energy gamma rays from space, which can provide insights into various cosmic phenomena such as supermassive black holes, pulsars, supernova remnants, and active galactic nuclei.
- Development and Collaboration:
The MACE telescope was designed and developed by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in collaboration with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) and other Indian institutions.
- Impact:
The installation of the MACE telescope places India at the forefront of gamma-ray astronomy in Asia and contributes to the global efforts to unravel the mysteries of the high-energy universe.
It also boosts India's capabilities in the field of astrophysics and strengthens its position as a significant player in global scientific research.
Examples of Cherenkov Telescopes apart from India: