Indian Chemical Council (ICC)
Current Affair 1:
The 2024 OPCW The Hague Award was conferred upon the Indian Chemical Council (ICC) at a ceremony during the 29th Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CSP) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) at the Hague on November 25, 2024.
This Award acknowledges the role played by ICC in promoting chemical safety, compliance with the Convention, and enhancing industry-wide security practices in India.
About Indian Chemical Council:
Indian Chemical Council (formerly Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association) was founded in the year 1938 by Acharya P. C. Ray & Rajmitra B. D. Amin, along with a group of Industrialists for promoting the interests of the nascent chemical industry.
Its members include both Indian companies with a global presence as well as subsidiaries of multinationals.
INDIAN CHEMICAL COUNCIL (ICC) the apex national body representing all branches of the Chemical Industry in India such as Organic & Inorganic Chemicals, Plastics & Petrochemicals & Petroleum Refineries, Dyestuffs & Dye-intermediates, Fertilizers & Pesticides, Specialty Chemicals, Paints etc.
Every person, firm or company manufacturing chemical shall be eligible to be a member of the Council.
Also learn:
The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) came into force in 1997, and presently has 193 States Parties. OPCW, with its Secretariat in The Hague, is the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, with a mission to achieve a world free of chemical weapons.
India is an original signatory to the Convention.
The National Authority Chemical Weapons Convention (NACWC) is the national authority responsible for implementing the Convention in India.
The OPCW is the body responsible for implementing the CWC. In 2013, OPCW was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.
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