National Mission on Cultural Mapping
Dec 11, 2024
Current Affair 1:
National Mission on Cultural Mapping has been set up by Ministry of Culture, Government of India with an aim to identify and document India’s cultural heritage and its creative potential to regenerate and revitalize rural economies, thereby making Village India self-reliant.
At present, NMCM is undergoing with its component MGMD and the state-wise details are available at Mera Gaon Meri Dharohar Web Portal which is an open access portal.
Mera Gaon Meri Dharohar (MGMD) is a component of NMCM.
The above-mentioned objectives will be carried out with the help of three interlinked programmes.
Currently, the data of 4.5 lakh villages have been uploaded on the MGMD Web Portal. See few examples mapped under this: