Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya

Dec 27, 2024

Current Affair 1:



Amongst the many of his great achievements, Banaras Hindu University stands as the living testimony of Mahamana's life and vision. In recognition of his service to the nation, Mahamana has been conferred with the highest civilian honour, Bharat Ratna posthumously by the Government of India in the year 2014.

Malaviya was a firm believer in the plurality of India. During his Presidential address in the Lahore session of Congress in 1909, he said –

"I have faith in the future of my country. I have no doubt that the policy of the preferential treatment of one community over another and all other obstacles which keep the great communities of India from acting together, will slowly but steadily disappear, and that under the guidance of the benign Providence feelings of patriotism and brotherliness will continue to increase among Hindus, Mohemmedans, Christians and Parsees, until they shall flow like a smooth but mighty river welding the people of all communities into a great and united nation, which shall realize a glorious future for India and secure to it a place of honor among the nations of the world."

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