We all know that how important it is to be updated on regular basis, with the help of our UPSC Prelims Daily Current Affairs Goaltide IAS is dedicated towards providing the most refines and fruitful knowledge which benefits you and help you a lot in passing the UPSC Prelims Examination without any hesitation or worry. With Goaltide IAS we give surety of your preparation for the UPSC Examination, we are helping students by giving them UPSC Prelims Daily Quiz and UPSC Prelims Daily Current Affairs, our concepts are based on important concepts and facts, also we are focused on the topics which are asked most of the time in the UPSC Examination.

67th GEF Council
Rift Valley fever (RVF)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Filoboletus manipularis.
India-Italy Bilateral Relations