Goaltide Daily News 2020

Oct 05, 2020

News 1:
Need public Participation in Law reforms: Live Law

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Very beautiful article for your Answer writing. Read once. Why public participation should be must for any public reforms, you will get some insights.

News 2:
Supreme Court's Judgment in Gujarat Mazdoor Sabha

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Lot of things to learn, BOTH FOR Prelims and Mains both. More importantly, Factories Act. Read once.

News 3:
Microplastic threat along Kanyakumari Coast

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Microplastics are among major pollutants of the marine environment along the Kanyakumari coast, according to a study by the Department of Remote Sensing, Bharathidasan University. You should know this. Prelims they will ask one statement: Microplastics can be visible near Kanyakumari coast. You will say yes. If you read news properly, you can do the best.

News 4:
Three-win Nobel Prize in medicine for discovery of Hepatitis C virus

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he Nobel Prize 2020 in Physiology / Medicine was awarded to three scientists jointly — Harvey J Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M Rice — for the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus. Read once. Tomorrow we will solve one question on Hepatitis C.

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