Goaltide Daily News 2020
News 1:
Time for an Asian Century: The Hindu
Syllabus Reference: GS-II India and its neighbourhood- relations. Bilateral, regional and global groupings and agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.
With RCEP coming to force, there are immediate geopolitical and economic implications. To know what are those you need to read the article. There is also a way forward for India. We have seen a similar article yesterday as well. Read both for better understanding.
News 2:
Why Is the Government Afraid of Implementing the Forest Rights Act? The Wire
Syllabus Reference: GS-III
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes;
Article becomes important as tribal welfare is one of the favourites of UPSC. It covers many aspects like what do we mean by Community Forest Reserve? To what extent the Forest Right Act is successful and what is the need of the hour. So, read without fail.
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