GoalTide Daily News 2020
News 1:
Poshan Abhiyaan needs a boost: The Hindu
Syllabus Reference: GS-II
Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
An article summarizing NITI Aayog report on Poshan Abhiyan. It covers many important facts which you can quote in your answers. Always try to use the data by specific government reports. It will increase your authenticity.
News 2:
India’s new economic reforms and challenges ahead: Financial Express
Syllabus Reference: GS-II
Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources, growth, development, and employment.
As the title of the article indicates, the author has given the way forward for the Indian Economy and also discusses the challenges associated. Helps you enhance the quality of your answers for the economy. Read without fail.
News 3:
Corporates as Banks: What led to these recommendations, and why it has come in for criticism?
Syllabus Reference: GS-III
Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources, growth, development, and employment.
The article covers everything that you need to know about the latest development. Why Internal Works Committee has been established? what are its recommendations? And why the recommendations invited criticism? A must-read for all.
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