Goaltide Daily News 2020

Dec 08, 2020

News 1:
Investing in India’s youth: The Hindu

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Syllabus Reference:


Issues Relating to Development and Management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.


Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment.


With the largest youth population in the world, India faces the difficult task of educating every citizen to become a productive member of society. India need to focus on vocational training and skill development apart from imparting formal education is what the author suggests. Read the article completely.

News 2:
Neither govt nor protesting farmers recognise challenge of depleting natural resources and climate crisis: Indian Express

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Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Storage, Transport and Marketing of Agricultural Produce and Issues and Related Constraints

Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.


The article says, the current agrarian impasse reflects the fatigue of dominant approaches to agriculture, which assumes growth is limitless and resources are inexhaustible. It also highlights various other loopholes and a way forward. Important from GS-III as well as GS-II (since government’s role is also discussed) perspective, read without fail.


News 3:
Basic solutions: The Statesman

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Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Agriculture and related issues- Major Crops - Cropping Patterns in various parts of the country, Storage, Transport and Marketing of Agricultural Produce and Issues and Related Constraints


Author has beautifully covered the farm distresses and what can be done to resolve those issues. He further says, We need to understand crop-specific challenges and figure out farming models that can combine the best of high-tech and environmentally sound agricultural practices, bridging the gap between scientific know-how and farmers do-how. It is important to harness all the tools that indigenous wisdom and contemporary science can offer. Only sincere cooperation between the two can ensure an agricultural revolution suited to our times.

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