Goaltide Daily News 2020

Dec 11, 2020

News 1:
Iran’s calculated risk: The Hindu

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???Syllabus Reference: GS-II

Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests.


The circumstances of Iran Nuclear deal have been detailed in the article. The significance of the deal to Iran, it’s impact on west Asian politics and hence on India as well are given in simple language. Read without fail.


News 2:
Paris agreement isn’t enough: Climate crisis is too important to be left to governments alone. Private sector too must pitch in: Times of India

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???Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.


The article says, fi years since the Paris Agreement, we are at an inflection point. Though, many efforts have been taken in this direction, delay and prevarication is not an option and the world needs a bold vision and leadership to turn the tide.


News 3:
Climate change: What the Emissions Gap Report 2020 tells us: Down to Earth

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?????Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.


Nothing much, a simple article discussing in detail about the recently released Emission Gap Report. Many facts are mentioned in the article, note them down and remember.

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