Goaltide Daily News 2021

Jan 04, 2021

News 1:
China’s Border Claims: The Statesman

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Syllabus Reference: GS-II

India and its Neighbourhood- Relations.


The article discusses some of the important border conflicts of China with it’s neighbours. Just for the sake of information read it once. There are some border issues like Tibet, where India is also involved to some extent. That’s why this article becomes important for us.

News 2:
Don’t ignore the women farmers: The Hindu

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Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Storage, Transport and Marketing of Agricultural Produce and Issues and Related Constraints; E-technology in the aid of farmers.


The article highlights the problems faced by the women farmers. It also says that the recent farm acts also don’t adequately address the concerns. Read the article for better understanding.

News 3:
Post Covid development model will need more public-private partnerships, different business leadership: Indian Express

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Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Investment Models.


The article summarises the fact that If there is one straw that COVID has offered, it is the tangible evidence that no one entity or group — the state, markets, businesses, entrepreneurs, scientists — can tackle existing and emergent economic and social problems on their own. They have to work together to resolve them. Read the whole article without fail.

News 4:
COVID-19: Weak liquid waste management can worsen spread: Down to Earth

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Syllabus Reference: GS-III

Conservation, Environmental Pollution and Degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment.


Studies by World Health Organisation (WHO) and Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) suggest that presence of virus fragments in excreta increases the possibility of the infection reaching wastewater or liquid waste. Lack of an efficient wastewater treatment system can worsen the impact of COVID-19 outbreak which has brought to the fore the need for assured access to safe water and sanitation as described through the Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership (GWSP).



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