National Geoscience Awards-2023

Aug 19, 2024

Current Affair 1:


The National Geoscience Award (NGA) is one of the oldest and most prestigious national awards in the field of geosciences, instituted by the Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India in the year 1966. Before the year 2009, these awards were called as National Mineral Awards.

The objective of these Awards is to honour individuals and teams for extraordinary achievements and outstanding contributions in various fields of geosciences i.e. mineral discovery & exploration, Mining Technology & Mineral Beneficiation, fundamental/ applied geosciences.

Any citizen of India with significant contribution in any field of geosciences is eligible for the award. The Ministry of Mines confers National Geoscience Awards every year in three categories:

If we take latest example:

For NGA 2023, 240 nominations were received under different award categories and examined through a three-stage screening process.

After detailed deliberations, 01 award for National Geoscience Award for Lifetime Achievement and 01 award for the National Young Geoscientist Award. These 12 National Geoscience Awards will be presented to 21 Geoscientists by the President of India in the august presence of distinguished geoscientists, scholars, policymakers and industry leaders.

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