Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements.

  1. Though Kolleru Lake had been accorded the Ramsar site status, Pulicat Lake has not been considered for such status.
  2. Kolleru Lake is located between Andhra and Tamil Nadu while Pulicat is in Andhra Pradesh.
  3. Kolleru is brackish while Pulicat is fresh water lake.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

With respect to Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH), consider the following statements.

  1. It is a mechanism of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to facilitate the exchange of information on Living Modified Organisms.
  2. The term "clearing-house" refers to a mechanism that brings together seekers and providers of goods, services or information, thus matching demand with supply.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

Recently, Google announced Passkeys. We will solve one question on Passkeys. Consider the following statements on Passkeys.

  1. With passkeys, users can sign in to apps and websites with a biometric sensor, freeing them from having to remember and manage passwords.
  2. Passkeys allow users to authenticate without having to enter a username, password.
  3. Users are restricted to using the passkeys on the device where they're stored.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

Consider the following pairs.

              Recent developments


1. Recent eruption of Feugo volcano


2. a new non-invasive method to extract DNA recently discovered in



Which of the above pairs is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

Ladakh shares boundary with:

  1. Pakistan
  2. Afghanistan
  3. China
  4. Turkmenistan

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Which of the following officer has the power to disqualify a Member of the Legislature for occupying an ‘Office of Profit’?


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

Which of the following aspects can lead to appreciation in the exchange rate of the Rupee?

  1. Increase in foreign tourists coming to India.
  2. Indian citizens investing abroad.
  3. A decrease in crude oil prices.
  4. Increase in exports by Indian pharmaceutical companies.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:


Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

Which of the following provisions regarding Finance Commission is/are correct?

  1. The President shall lay down recommendation made by the Finance Commission before each House of Parliament.
  2. The Commission shall have all the powers of a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
  3. Members of Finance Commission are eligible for reappointment.

Select the correct code.

Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Consider the following

  1. X-Rays
  2. WIFI devices
  3. Microwaves and Radio waves

Which of the above is/are sources of ionizing radiations?


Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

In the context of the location of industries, the supply of raw material is the most important factor for which of the following industries?


Select the correct code.


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