Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

With respect to elephant corridors in India, consider the following statements.

  1. As per the latest report, West Bengal has the most elephant corridors in India.
  2. Southern region in India has maximum number of elephant corridors.
  3. Currently, 33 elephant corridors registered by Government of India in India.

How many of the above statemnts is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements.

  1. The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer entered into force in Rio Conference (Earth Summit, 1992).
  2. Hydrofluorocarbons were introduced as ozone depleting substance under Kigali Agreement to phase down production and consumption.
  3. If we see global distribution of ozone, largest values at high latitudes and the lowest values usually found in tropical regions.

How many of the above statements is/are incorrect?


Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

Consider the following pairs.

           Ports in news


1. Dammam Port


2. Ras Al Khair

  Saudi Arabia

3. Haifa Port



How many of the above pairs is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements with respect to East Asia Summit (ESA).

  1. EAS laid the foundation for the formation of ASEAN
  2. India is not a member of ASEAN, but member of EAS.
  3. India chaired the 2023 EAS Summit.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding ‘special session’ of the Parliament.

  1. The power to convene a session of Parliament rests with the government.
  2. Current session (September 18-22, 2023) is the first such session held under Modi Government.
  3. The term ‘special session’ is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Sea of Marmara connects:


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

How does National Biodiversity Authority (NBA) help in protecting the Indian agriculture?

  1. NBA advise the State Governments in the selection of areas of biodiversity importance to be notified as heritage sites and measures for the management of such heritage sites.
  2. NBA directly monitors and supervises the scientific research on genetic modification of crop plants.
  3. Application for intellectual Property Rights related to genetic / biological resources cannot be made without the approval of NBA.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

Which of the following measures can help in tackling rupee appreciation?

  1. Purchase of Government securities from the public by the Central Bank.
  2. Lowering interest rates in commercial banks.
  3. Buying of foreign currency by the Central Bank.
  4. Sale of government securities to the public by the Central Bank.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:


Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Which of the following officer has the power to disqualify a Member of the Legislature for occupying an ‘Office of Profit’?


Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

In the context of the location of industries, the supply of raw material is the most important factor for which of the following industries?


Select the correct code.


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