Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

In a certain code language:

'746' means 'ABC is easy';

'527' means 'life is hard';

'349' means 'work is tough';

'248' means 'tough life ahead'.

Which of the following words can be represented by the number '7' in this code language?

Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

A, B, and C start a business together. A invests ₹8000, B invests ₹6000, and C invests ₹4000. After 1 year, A withdraws half of his investment, and B doubles his investment. If the total profit after 2 years is ₹26,000, how much profit does B receive?

Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

Two trains, A and B, start from the same point but travel in opposite directions. Train A travels at 80 km/h, while Train B travels at 60 km/h. If Train A starts its journey 1 hour before Train B, how far apart will the trains be 2 hours after Train B starts?

Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

A company produces three types of products: X, Y, and Z. The production costs for each are ₹100, ₹150, and ₹200, respectively. If the company sells 300 units of X, 200 units of Y, and 100 units of Z, what is the total revenue generated if the profit margins on X, Y, and Z are 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively?

Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

A cube is painted red on all its faces. It is then cut into 64 smaller cubes of equal size. How many of these smaller cubes will have at least one face painted red?

Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Passage -1

There was a time when horses were a major source of physical power. When the steam engine started to rival them, manufacturers wanted to know how many horses a particular engine would replace. James Watt soon realized how important these comparisons were, and conceived a new measure: the horsepower. From discussions with millwrights, who used horses to turn their wheels, one mechanical horsepower was estimated to be 33,000 foot-pounds per minute — the measure was a great success. And now, as artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as an alternative source of mental power, scientists are rethinking if and how the mental capabilities of humans and machines can be measured. Stimulating analogies aside, there are many differences between physical and mental work. The early psychometricians pushed the analogy as far as they could, measuring intelligence as the capability of producing a particular kind of information-processing work. However, psychometric measurement derives from human populations. In many of its forms, it just captures a deviation from the mean, but not an actual magnitude. There is no such thing as an imperial foot for intelligence. By trying to identify the units of mental power and then linking them to physical units, we may well look eccentric from the perspective of a thriving — and seemingly unbridled — AI field. But like Watt two centuries ago, sometimes we have to put the cart before the horse.

1. Which of the following statements best reflects the central idea of the passage?

Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

According to the passage, why is there a challenge in measuring mental capabilities in the same way physical power is measured?

Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points


Like great works, deep feelings always mean more than they are conscious of saying. The regularity of an impulse or a repulsion in a soul is encountered again in habits of doing or thinking, is reproduced in consequences of which the soul itself knows nothing. Great feelings take with them their own universe, splendid or abject. They light up with their passion an exclusive world in which they recognize their climate. There is a universe of jealousy, of ambition, of selfishness, or of generosity. A universe in other words, a metaphysic and an attitude of mind. What is true of already specialized feelings will be even more so of emotions basically as indeterminate, simultaneously as vague and as “definite,” as remote and as “present” as those furnished us by beauty or aroused by absurdity.

8. Which of the following statements best captures the philosophical essence conveyed in the passage?

Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points


There are two sorts of knowledge: knowledge of things, and knowledge of truths. We shall be concerned exclusively with knowledge of things, of which in turn we shall have to distinguish two kinds. Knowledge of things, when it is of the kind we call knowledge by acquaintance, is essentially simpler than any knowledge of truths, and logically independent of knowledge of truths, though it would be rash to assume that human beings ever, in fact, have acquaintance with things without at the same time knowing some truth about them. Knowledge of things by description, on the contrary, always involves, as we shall find in the course of the present chapter, some knowledge of truths as its source and ground. But first of all we must make clear what we mean by 'acquaintance' and what we mean by 'description'.


9. According to the passage, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between knowledge by acquaintance and knowledge of truths?

Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

Based on the passage, which of the following can be inferred about knowledge by description?

Select the correct code.


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