Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

World leaders recently unanimously adopted the ‘Cascais Declaration’ related to:

Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding International Criminal Court (ICC).

  1. International Criminal Court (ICC) cannot prosecute individuals from countries that have not signed or ratified the Rome Statute.
  2. When a situation is not within the Court’s jurisdiction, the United Nations Security Council can refer the situation to the ICC granting it jurisdiction.
  3. In the International Criminal Court (ICC), both the Prosecutor and the Defence have the right to appeal certain decisions made by the Court.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

India has signed Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA) with?

Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding National Cadets Corps (NCC).

  1. The need to form NCC was felt after the India-Pak war of 1971 to provide army force on two fronts.
  2. NCC aims to provide an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.
  3. Any person wants to join army should be mandatorily be a part of NCC.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding Hornbills.

  1. Hornbills are primarily fruit eating birds.
  2. Hornbills are native only to the Indian subcontinent.
  3. Most of the hornbills are non-migratory.
  4. They engage in mating dances to attract partners.

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Which of the following is nearest to Equator?


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding CAG.

  1. Salary of Comptroller and Auditor-General is removed in similar way and on same ground as the Judge of the Supreme Court.
  2. The Audit reports relating to the accounts of Union and States, both shall be submitted to President.
  3. The CAG finds itself mentioned in second and third schedule of Indian Constitution.

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG).

  1. Both are compressed methane and has the same calorific value.
  2. The difference is that while CNG is a by-product of petroleum, CBG can be produced from any biomass
  3. Just like CNG, CBG too can be transported through cylinders or pipelines to retail outlets.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements.

  1. The responsibility for drought declaration, relief and mitigation of drought lies with the state governments.
  2. Only in case of a ‘severe’ drought will a state be eligible for central assistance from the National Disaster Relief Fund.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

Which of the layers of the Earth is solid?


Select the correct code.


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