Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding United Nations (UN) budget.

  1. The UN budget is approved by the UN Security Council.
  2. United Nations (UN) maintains a separate budget for peacekeeping operations.
  3. The amount a member state contributes to the United Nations (UN) regular budget is voluntary.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding North Eastern Council (NEC).

  1. NEC is a statutory body set up under the priministership of Narendra Modi.
  2. Governor of states and Chief Ministers are members of North Eastern Council.
  3. The Council shall have such power as may be delegated to it by the Central Government.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

The report “S.A.F.E. Accommodation: Worker Housing for Manufacturing Growth”, recently published by:


Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

Consider the following wing statements regarding Skill Strengthening for Industrial Value Enhancement (STRIVE) project in India.

  1. The project is assisted by the World Bank.
  2. It is aimed at improving the relevance and efficiency of skills training provided through Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and apprenticeships.

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements.

  1. Tropic of cancer passes through Red Sea and Persian Gulf.
  2. Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, and Equator, all three passes through Africa.

Select the correct.


Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements with respect to a Joint Sitting in the Parliament:

  1. The first joint sitting was held in 1961 following a disagreement between the two Houses over certain amendments to the Dowry Prohibition Bill, 1959.
  2. It is governed by the Rules of Procedures of the Lok Sabha and not of the Rajya Sabha.
  3. A joint sitting of both Houses is convened by the Speaker of the House.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding Prorogation of Lok Sabha:

  1. Lok Sabha is prorogued by the Speaker.
  2. House cannot be prorogued while it is in session.
  3. Only Lok Sabha can be prorogued.

Which of the above statements are correct?


Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

Consider the following Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

  1. Every country has equal voting share.
  2. AIIB is headquartered in Beijing, China.
  3. AIIB was granted Permanent Observer status in the United Nations.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements.

  1. Most of the world’s coral reefs are in tropical waters.
  2. If you want to see atoll coral in India, one needs to visit Lakshadweep Island.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

If a particular plant species is placed under Schedule VI of The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972, what is the implication?

Select the correct code.


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