Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

Bacon describes the form of love portrayed on the stage and in stories and play as unrealistic as it is often filled with ecstasy and triumph. It is shown to be noble and in a lot of ways easy to understand. But in real life, love is far more mischievous and difficult to understand. It demands sacrifices, compromises and offers a lot more sorrow and torment than shown on the stage. Life of love can have a catastrophic end.

In Bacon’s opinion, untrammelled and unrestrained love only brings discomfiture to men. Such impassioned desires for someone can only lead to emotional and reckless judgments and causes men to err terribly. Bacon compares the weakness of men for women to that of wine. Be it brave warriors or might statesmen, all men are susceptible to the allure of a fine wine and beautiful woman. To them, the perils and horrors of war and politics are offset through the pleasures in the company of attractive women.

Bacon also highlights the differences between the married life and the single’s life and the various advantages or disadvantages of the same. According to Bacon a married man has a family to raise and take care of. Unmarried men are unrestricted and free to make bold moves that can produce important changes in culture and society. According to him, human history is a testament to the fact that the greatest achievements in the different spheres of science, art, literature etc. have been made by men and women who were single and uninhibited by the constraints of marriage. He also  points that single people tend to be lethargic, unmotivated and wasteful with their time and energy. 

According to Bacon, men are innately designed to satiate the need to love. They are born with the instincts to seek and spread the love. But if this love is extrapolated and spread universally instead of being reserved for one person (or a small group), it can be truly noble. It can become a force for good. Such unfettered love for the whole humanity can lead to philanthropy and charitable endeavours. Love in marriages is the force for the creation of life, love in the form of friendships honours such life.


With reference to the above passage answer the following questions:

 From the reading the above passage alone which statement best describes the passage above:


Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

Which of the following statement are true with reference to the above passage only ➖


  1. Men of a particular kind tend to seek refuge from horrors and perils of war in company of beautiful women and wine.
  2. Marriage disables all men to affect any change in society and culture.
  3. Men innately designed to satiate the need to love but women have no such desires.


Which of the following statements are true?

Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

Which of the following statement are true with reference to the above passage only ➖


  1. Single men have many advantages over married men.
  2. Love in marriages is the force for the creation of life
  3. Married men are timid and callous and thus unable to make bold moves.


Which of the following statement are true with reference to the above passage only


Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to implementation of unprecedented “social distancing” strategies crucial to limiting the spread of the virus. However, there is a high cost associated with the essential quarantine and social distancing interventions for COVID-19, especially in older adults, who have experienced an acute, severe sense of social isolation and loneliness with potentially serious mental and physical health consequences. The impact may be disproportionately amplified in those with pre-existing mental illness, who are often suffering from loneliness and social isolation prior to the enhanced distancing from others imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic public health measures. As a generally accepted concept, loneliness is defined as the subjective feeling of being alone, while social isolation describes an objective state of individuals’ social environments and interactional patterns. Studies suggest that while loneliness and social isolation are not equal to each other, both can exert a detrimental effect on health through shared and different pathways.

Being lonely has several adverse impacts on mental health. Reduced time in bed spent asleep (7% reduced sleep efficiency) and increased wake time after sleep onset have been related to loneliness. Increased depressive symptomatology may also be caused by loneliness, along with poor self-rated health, impaired functional status, vision deficits, and a perceived negative change in the quality of one’s life. A systematic review of suicide risk also found that loneliness is associated with both suicide attempts and completed suicide among older adults. Loneliness, along with depressive symptoms, are related to worsening cognition over time. A systematic review concluded that loneliness and social isolation were significantly associated with incident dementia

With reference to the above passage answer the following questions

 From the reading the above passage alone which statement best describes the passage above:


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

On the basis of the passage above identify the effects of loneliness:

  1. Sleeping alone in bed for longer times.
  2. Increased depression
  3. Perceived negative change in one’s life



Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

what is meant by the statement “Loneliness, along with depressive symptoms, are related to worsening cognition over time” ?


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

In a test, a candidate attempted only 8 questions and secured 50% marks in each of the questions. If he obtained a total of 40% in the test and all questions in the test carried equal marks, how many questions were there in the test?



Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

Abhishek is nine times as old as his son and his wife is eight times as old as the son. The sum of the Abhishek and his wife’s age is 68 years. What is the age of the son?


Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Examine the following statements:

1.            Abhishek  is smarter than Arun.

2.            Shyam is smarter than Abhishek.

3.            Arun is not smarter than Siddharth.


The conclusion that can be drawn from these statements is that


Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

In a row of 40 girls, when Komal was shifted to her left by 4 places, her number from

the left end of the row became 10. What was the number of Swati from the right end of the

row if Swati was three places to the right of Komal's original position?

Select the correct code.


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