Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

Neha says, "I don't believe in love at first sight." What does Neha's statement reflect?


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2. Question 2 Points

In a group of persons travelling in a bus, 6 persons can speak Tamil, 15 can speak Hindi and 6 can speak Gujarati. In that group, none can speak any other language. If 2 persons in the group can speab two languages only and one person can speak all the three languages, then how many persons are there in the group ?


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3. Question 2 Points

       “By liberty I mean the eager maintenance of that atmosphere in which men have the opportunity to be their best selves.”

Which one of the following expresses the view implied in the above statement?

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4. Question 2 Points

Train A crosses a tree in 17.5 seconds and also crosses a 250m long platform in 30 seconds. If the length of train B is 50 m less than that of A and the speed of train B is 18 kmph more than that of A, then find the time taken by train B crosses a 150m long tunnel.



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5. Question 2 Points

Creeta :  Naresh has become a better boxer since he started meditation.


Radha : Impossible. A boxer’s most important asset is his aggressiveness.

Radha's statement reflects her belief that


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6. Question 2 Points



Not all marriages are happy, and not all divorces are unhappy. Leaning on the “guiding spirit” of Article 142(1) of the Constitution to do “complete justice” in any “cause or matter”, a Constitution Bench said it could use this extraordinary discretionary power to grant divorce by mutual consent to couples trapped in bitter marriages. It also aims to spare couples the “agony and misery” of waiting six to 18 months for a local court to annul it, as stipulated under Section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The Bench, observed that the law of divorce, built predominantly on assigning fault, fails to serve broken marriages. It pointed out that if a marriage is wrecked beyond hope, public interest lies in recognising this fact, not upholding a ‘married’ status regardless. The Court said it could use Article 142 to quash pending criminal or legal proceedings, be it over domestic violence or dowry, against the man or woman. Continuing in this strain, the Bench said the Supreme Court could grant divorce on the grounds of an “irretrievable breakdown of marriage” if the “separation is inevitable and the damage is irreparable”. Under the Hindu Marriage Act, irretrievable breakdown of marriage is not yet a ground for divorce.

In its judgement, there was a word of caution that the grant of divorce would not be a “matter of right, but a discretion which is to be exercised with great care, keeping in mind that ‘complete justice’ is done to both parties.” Several factors would be considered by the Supreme Court before invoking Article 142 in matrimonial cases, including duration of marriage, period of litigation, the time the couple has stayed apart, the nature of pending cases, and attempts at reconciliation. The Court will have to be satisfied that the mutual agreement to divorce was not under coercion. In India, while divorcees have doubled in number over the past two decades, the incidence of divorce is still at 1.1%, with those in urban areas making up the largest proportion. But the divorce numbers do not tell the whole story; there are many women, particularly among the poor, who are abandoned or deserted. Census 2011 revealed that the population which is “separated” is almost triple the divorced number. In a country which is largely poor, where gender discrimination is rife and many women are still not financially independent, the Court’s stress on “care and caution” and not to rush into a quick divorce must be welcomed. After all, marriage equality is not a reality for all.


Q6) What is the Court's stance on divorce in the passage?


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7. Question 2 Points

What is the reason for the Court's advice to be careful and cautious on divorce?


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8. Question 2 Points

“All love is expansion; all selfishness is contraction.

Love is therefore the only law of life.

He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying.

Therefore, love for love’s sake,

because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live.”


According to the given statement, which of the following is not true?


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9. Question 2 Points

The Vedic and Buddhist literature opens to us a chapter in what has been called the Education of the Human Race, to which we can find no parallel anywhere else. Whoever cares for the historical growth of our language, that is, of our thoughts; whoever cares for the first intelligible development of religion and mythology; whoever cares for the first foundation of what in later times we call the sciences of astronomy, metronomy, grammar, and etymology; whoever cares for the first intimations of philosophical thought, for the first attempts at regulating family life, village life, and state life, as founded on religion, ceremonial, tradition and contract (samaya)—must in future pay the same attention to the literature of the Vedic period as to the literatures of Greece and Rome and Germany





Q10) What is the Education of the Human Race referred to in the passage?


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