Goaltide Daily Current Afffairs 2023

May 02, 2023

Current Affair 1:
India’s White Revolution


This article is taken from NITI Aayog’s website:

We will see here important points. Interesting information for Prelims.

This paper discusses and compare achievements of white and green revolution and significant developments in other segments of agriculture to draw lessons for future growth and development of dairy sector.

Milk alone is credited with one fourth of the increase in total output of agriculture and allied sectors between 1970-71 and 2020-21.


The share of fruits and vegetables in incremental value of output of agriculture and allied sector was 16.72% which is higher than food grains. These changes show the prominent role of dairy and livestock sector in growth of agriculture in the country.

White Revolution

Milk output in India increased by meagre 1.36 per cent per year during 1950-51 to 1973-74 which was lower than population growth rate. As a result, per capita availability of milk in the country dropped by 15 per cent in this period resulting into increase in milk deficiency in the country.

The shortage was met partly through import and aid in the form of milk powder. GOI launched operation flood in 1970 to achieve breakthrough in milk production. This produced quick results and milk production outpaced population growth after 1973/74.

The recent data on milk output shows annual growth rate of 5.3 per cent. It is important to mention that growth rate in milk production accelerated after 2005 when the emphasis has shifted from exotic breeds to indigenous breeds.

Till mid-1990s, US topped all countries in milk production. In next 25 years India started producing more than 2 times the milk produced in USA. The share of India in world milk output has almost doubled in last 25 years and the country now produces close to one fourth of world milk output.

Dairy sector contributes one fourth of the total income generated in agriculture sector and this share has been rising.

Exports is very less as compared to production:

Milk yield is low

Even though India is biggest producer of milk the milk yield is quite low. According to GOI estimate average daily milk yield in the country is 5.15kg for cows and 5.9 kg for buffaloes. There is very wide variation in milk yield across states.

Current Affair 2:
Pacing problem and the Collingridge dilemma in AI


What happens when technological innovation outpaces the ability of laws and regulations to keep up? This phenomenon is known as “the pacing problem,” and it has profound ramifications for the governance of emerging technologies.

Why is it important that governance and technology develop hand-in-hand?

First, a lack of clear governance structures and regulation can result in a situation where negative societal consequences of technologies may arise (think of critiques of the Ponzi-like mechanisms of crypto or the economic effects of a massive crypto-bubble burst).

Second, a lack of clear guidelines, governance and regulation could also contribute to an unstable and volatile investment and innovation environment. On one hand, developers might feel hindered by legal concerns and the reputational or ethical exposure that comes with working in a heavily regulated industry.

What is the Collingridge dilemma?

In 1980, David Collingridge introduced a concept in his book The Social Control of Technology known today as the Collingridge dilemma.

“Collingridge dilemma” is simply a restatement of the pacing problem but with (1) greater stress on the social drivers behind the pacing problem and, (2) an implicit solution to “the problem” in the form of pre-emptive control of new technologies while they are still young and more manageable.

The dilemma is that regulating a technology in the initial stages of its adoption, when its potential dangers aren’t evident, is easy but becomes harder by the time these dangers have been identified.

One common example is: blockchain technology.

Cryptocurrencies, as well as other uses of blockchain (e.g., smart contracts and DAOs), have developed and proliferated at a rapid pace in the past decade. However, our collective decisions about the technology (i.e., the governance of blockchain), have only just started to develop in comparison. In part, this is because of the limited information we had about blockchain early on — resulting in this issue of timing.

Current Affair 3:
2 new spider species discovered


Read the image given below:

Current Affair 4:
Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats Initiative, or PRET





To help countries better prepare for future pandemics, WHO launched a new initiative that provides guidance on integrated planning for responding to any respiratory pathogen such as influenza or coronaviruses.

The new Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats Initiative, or PRET, incorporates the latest tools and approaches for shared learning and collective action established during the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent public health emergencies.

Through the initiative, WHO will use a mode of transmission approach to guide countries in pandemic planning, given that many capacities and capabilities are common among groups of pathogens.

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