Goaltide Daily Current Affairs 2023

Jun 29, 2023

Current Affair 1:
SDG National Indicator Framework (NIF)


First read this to get idea about article:

Let me connect to you some important points.

The United Nations General Assembly, in September 2015, during its 70th Session adopted the document titled "Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" consisting of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated 169 targets.

The SDGs came into force with effect from 1st January, 2016.

The SDGs are not legally binding, but have become de-facto international obligations and have potential to reorient domestic spending priorities of the countries up to 2030.

Now the most important thing,

National Indicator Framework for SDGs

Monitoring plays a crucial role in the implementation and progress tracking of the SDGs. It involves the systematic compilation, analysis, and reporting of data and information to assess the advancements, challenges, and gaps in achieving the SDGs.

Towards this endeavor, the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), Government of India developed a National Indicator Framework (NIF) in 2018 consisting of 306 national indictors along with identified data sources and periodicity following due consultation process with concerned Ministries/ Departments, UN Agencies and other stakeholders.

NIF is the backbone for facilitating monitoring of SDGs at the national level and provides appropriate direction to the policy makers and the implementing agencies of various schemes and programmes.

The NIF includes indicators that align with the SDG global indicators.

The SDG National Indicator Framework (NIF) is developed and monitored by MoSPI.

If we talk about recent “Sustainable Development Goals -National Indicator Framework Progress Report, 2023:

The Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework Progress Report, 2023, is an annual report published by MoSPI, based on the latest data supplied by the Ministries/Departments to facilitate monitoring the progress of each of the SDGs.

Just remember 5 highlights from the report for Mains answer:

Current Affair 2:
PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness Generation, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother – Earth (PM-PRANAM)

Source Link


Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on28 June approved the PM Programme for Restoration, Awareness Generation, Nourishment and Amelioration of Mother – Earth (PM-PRANAM).

Only few points you need to remember.

Important Features:

  1. Centre would incentivise those States which would adopt alternative fertilizers (like Nano Fertilizers and Bio-Fertilizers) with the subsidy that was saved by reducing the use of chemical fertilizers
  2. For example, if a State was using 10 lakh tonnes of conventional fertilizers and reduces its consumption by three lakh tonnes, then the subsidy saving would be around Rs. 3,000 crores. Out of that subsidy savings, the Centre will give 50% of it to that State Govt.
  3. The CCEA also approved continuation of the urea subsidy scheme to ensure constant availability of urea to the farmers at the same price of Rs. 242/ 45 kg per bag excluding taxes and neem coating charges. This comes around Rs. 5.38/kg while in the international market prices are hovering around Rs. 40/kg.
  4. As our Fertilizer Subsidy Bill has crossed Rs. 3,00,000 crores, So Central Govt. is taking several steps to reduce it and move towards sustainable agriculture practises and in this regard it has announced several measures. Will compile all in one and provide pdf in few days.

(Major economic decisions in the country is approved by CCEA)

Current Affair 3:
Panchayat Development Index (PDI)



A ‘Panchayat Development Index’ has been formulated by the Centre to evaluate different indicators responsible for ensuring targeted development in villages.

As per the ministry, on a pilot basis, data from four districts in Maharashtra — Pune, Sangli, Satara and Solapur — was compiled. The pilot project happened in four districts will also help in preparing a roadmap for the future. The pilot study has shown how no attention has been paid on certain themes. Like how can a panchayat be women-friendly, or what kind of development is needed.

The PDI ranks panchayats on the basis of scores, and categorises them into four grades.

  1. Those with score under 40 per cent fall in grade D,
  2. 40-60 per cent in grade C,
  3. 60-75 per cent in grade B,
  4. 75 to 90 per cent in category A, while
  5. those scoring above 90 per cent will be categorised as A+. 

The pilot study showed 70 per cent of the panchayats in the four districts of Maharashtra are in category C, while 27 per cent are in category B. Around 53 per cent of the gram panchayats in the state fall in grade D when it comes to water sufficiency, and 36 per cent fall in grade D.

PDI is the logical culmination of the efforts of the last 10 years. It will tell what happens to the money that is spent on development, its outcome and what needs to be focused upon.

How all it started?

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj had constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Smt. Jayashree Raghunandan to prepare different mechanisms for computation of Panchayat Development Index (PDI).

The Local Indicators Framework on nine themes of Localization of Sustainable Development Goals was prepared for developing the measures of Panchayat Development Index and other SDGs progress.  The nine themes taken into account are:

poverty free and enhanced livelihood in village, healthy village, child friendly village, water sufficient village, clean and green village, village with self-sufficient infrastructure, socially just and socially secured villages, village with good governance, and women friendly village.

Panchayat Development Index (PDI) Report has come with 144 local targets, 577 local indicators and 688 data points on 9 themes of LSDGs.


Current Affair 4:
India removed from UNSG report on impact of armed conflict on children



The United Nations (UN) has removed India from its annual list of countries where children are impacted by armed conflict.

Reason: Report highlighted the technical mission of the office of his special representative in July 2022 to identify areas of cooperation for child protection, and the workshop on strengthening child protection held in Jammu and Kashmir last November by the government, with the participation of the United Nations.

India was earlier included in the report based on allegations that separatist militant groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir were recruiting young boys. Additionally, there were also allegations that Indian security forces in Kashmir detained young boys, accusing them to be associated with militant groups.

As per the latest report:

  1. In 2022, children continued to be disproportionately affected by armed conflict, and the number of children verified as affected by grave violations increased compared with 2021.
  2. The highest numbers of grave violations were verified in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel and the State of Palestine, Somalia, the Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Afghanistan and Yemen.
  3. The countries where “the worst deterioration” occurred were Myanmar, South Sudan, and Burkina Faso.


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