Goaltide Daily News 2020

Oct 02, 2020

News 1:
A look at the good and bad of APMCs: Business Standard

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Whenever there will be news from Business Standard, we will paste entire article. It needs subscription and you people are very poor during preparation. So, its ok.


News 2:
Greenland ice melting fastest in 12,000 yrs: DTE

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The Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) is melting rapidly — faster than at any other time in the last 12,000 years — a new study has found. The increased loss of ice is likely to lead to sea level rises of between 2 centimetres (cm) and 10 cm by the end of the century from Greenland alone, the study published by Nature on September 30, 2020, said.

News 3:
Richest 1% emit twice as much carbon as poorest 50%: Oxfam report

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A rich person contributes more to the climate crisis than a poor person: Between 1990 and 2015, the richest 1 per cent of humanity accounted for 15 per cent of cumulative emissions, while the poorest 50 per cent accounted for only 7 per cent, a new report by Oxfam International and the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI) has found. Must know these news’. It helps in Mains and Essay writing.


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