Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

The hare and the tortoise decided to race again to settle the historic odds. The race involves formula 1 cars where the hare has car C1 and the tortoise has ca C2. The cars have the following characteristics:



Average speed (S) while moving

Duration for pit-stop in hrs

Distance it can cover without the pitstops








300 km



Q1.Which of the following statements is true w.r.t to the net average speed of the  hare and tortoise at the end of their respective pit stops ?



Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the passage above?




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3. Question 2 Points

Based on the passage and passage alone which of the following statements is true and best describes the passage ?


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4. Question 2 Points

Passage -2


More women will likely report the violence to the police if they know they will be treated with respect and dignity and have their complaints listened to in confidence. The more domestic violence is reported, the more seriously it will be taken by the authorities and the general public. Ignoring domestic violence only ensures that the cycle of violence will continue. Research demonstrates that without intervention, domestic violence increases in both frequency and severity. Therefore, early intervention by the police provides the best way of protecting the victims, prevents the escalation of a pattern of abuse, reduces the rate of domestic homicide and serious assaults, and where possible, maintains family stability.

Globally, research shows that the justice system has a critical role to play in stopping domestic violence and several studies have indicated that arrests act as deterrents to domestic violence. The effective intervention by law enforcement and the justice sector professionals requires specialized techniques designed to protect the victim from retaliation by the abuser, allay the victim’s fears of the criminal justice system and encourage the victim’s cooperation with police, procurators and courts.

Analyze the following with respect to the passage:


  1. Domestic violence is always done by men and victims are always women.
  2. Police must provide confidence to the women to ignore domestic violence.
  3. Severe cases of domestic violence indicate that authorities have taken serious actions.


Which of the statements are true ?


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5. Question 2 Points

which statement is true with respect to the above passage :

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