Goaltide Daily Quiz

1. Question 2 Points

Consider the following statements regarding Millet production in India.

  1. India is the largest producer of the millets in the world.
  2. Among the Nutri cereals, production of Bajra is the highest.
  3. Uttar Pradesh is the largest producer of millets in India.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Select the correct code.

2. Question 2 Points

India recently signed a ‘Framework Mechanism for Mutual Recognition’ of Qualifications with which of the following nation?


Select the correct code.

3. Question 2 Points

Which of the following processes contribute to the formation of a heat wave in the context of India?

  1. air flowing in from the northwest rolls in over the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan, so some of the compression also happens on the leeward side of these mountains, entering India with a bristling warmth.
  2. Warming of Arabian Sea at faster rate.
  3. lapse rate – the rate at which temperatures cool from the surface to the upper atmosphere – is increasing under global warming.

Select the correct code.

Select the correct code.

4. Question 2 Points

Which of the layers of the Earth is solid?


Select the correct code.

5. Question 2 Points

Consider the following.

  1. Bab-el-Mandeb
  2. Gulf of Aqaba
  3. Riyadh

Arrange the above from North to South.


Select the correct code.

6. Question 2 Points

Elements called siderophiles are found in the inner core of Earth. What are they?


Select the correct code.

7. Question 2 Points

Which of the following contributes Regenerative Agricultural Practices?

  1. No-till/minimum tillage
  2. Diversify crops to replenish nutrients and disrupt pest and disease lifecycles
  3. Retain soil cover using cover crops
  4. Integrate livestock, which adds manure to the soil and serves as a source of carbon sinks.

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.

8. Question 2 Points

The Director of Enforcement (ED) was appointment on the recommendation of the Committee consisting of:

  1. Union Home Minister- Chairperson
  2. Secretary to the Government of India in charge of the Ministry of Home Affairs
  3. Prime Minister

Select the correct code.

Select the correct code.

9. Question 2 Points

Consider the following pairs.


         of Temple

1. Madanakaias (nayikas, or beautiful women) representing the fertile abundance of nature.

 Hoysalesvara temple, Halebid

2. unique sculptural representation of the wooden procession cars used to take the temple deities out into the streets.

    Vitthala temple, Hampi

3. located on the southern bank of the Vaigai river, dedicated to Parvati, depicted as Meenakshi.

Chennakeshava temple, Belur


Which of the above pairs is/are correct?

Select the correct code.

10. Question 2 Points

Panna Tiger Reserve is:

  1. Situated at Aravalli Mountain range
  2. River Ken flows through it

Select the correct code.


Select the correct code.


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